Ijaghead.gif (7989 bytes)        JEHUE PTSA '06:

October 2005

The Jehue Parent/Teacher/Student Association (PTSA) provides educational support for both students and parents of JEHUE MIDDLE SCHOOL. Join us and make a difference today!

The Jehue PTSA wishes to thank all who have joined us so far this year. Our budget is in place and functions have already begun.  A copy is available by dropping a note in the PTSA box in the front office.

PTSA will meet at 12:30 pm on the 1st Monday of every month for 2 hours. Teachers are invited to attend at 1:30pm if necessary due to school meetings.

On September 21, PTSA welcomed Jehue teachers and staff with a buffet lunch. And on Sept 20, PTSA welcomed students with frozen popsicles. Plans are for another Cheesecake fundraiser in January. The successful Book Fair at Open House will be repeated. End of the Year Awards for students will be coming, too! Your ideas are always welcome!

We’re looking forward too much more as we grow. So Parents, Teachers, and Students, please join us. See our membership/suggestion box in the Jehue front office.


                       IT’S JUST THE BEGINNING

Message dated back in Spring 2005...Please check back for Fall 2005 updates and visit the PTSA table at Jehue's BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT on Wednesday, September 21st from 5:30 to 7:30pm. 

The Jehue PTSA wishes to thank all who have joined us this year.  Our February Cheesecake fundraiser was a good start for many activities that we hope to provide for students and parents. Already we funded the yummy ice cream on Hawaiian Day, April 1st.  There was the book fair at Open House and Teacher appreciation, too, where we provided a wonderful breakfast for the teachers and staff for all the hard work they do. We freed up school funds by providing prizes for hardworking students during California State Testing.  End of the Year Awards for students will be coming soon, too!

 We’re looking forward to much more as we grow. So Parents, Teachers, and Students, please join us.  See our membership box in the Jehue front office.

From the President of Jehue's PTSA...

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