JAGUAR UPDATES The ASB Reach for the Stars Dance will be held on Wednesday, August 21st from 4:00 to 6:00pm in the MPR. Tickets are now available to purchase for $3, but buy early because they go up to $5 at the door of the dance. You will need a signed parent permission slip to purchase your ticket so pick one up at the Student Store during lunch. Bring some extra money that evening because pizza, drinks, and neon bling bling will be available to purchase. Woot Woot! AVID Fundraiser going on NOW! Join us at Applebee's Restaurant in Redlands on Saturday, August 31st from 8am to 10am for an ALL YOU CAN EAT BREAKFAST. We're talking ALL YOU CAN EAT pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, orange juice, and coffee for the low ticket price of $10. Tickets are available in room G7 with Ms. Butler or see an AVID student for more information. Come support a great program while getting your grub on!!! Remember, Mondays are Minimum Days. Every Monday (unless noted), students are released at 12:33pm. Labor Day - Monday, September 2nd. NO SCHOOL!!!