The Late 1960s
1964-1965 School Year
- Drill team pose for their photo

- Eisenhower is no longer part of San Bernardino school district
- Participated in a new league - the Inland Valley or "Ivy"
- The latest technology was added. The new Dage Video Tape Recorder was installed just before Christmas. Sufficiently compact to be moved from room to room, the portable video recorder system records both sight and sound simultaneously.
- Sports teams had great success in new league. JV Football
and Wrestling are League Champs
- Carol Boyd, Football Homecoming Queen
- Patsy Limon, Basketball Homecoming Queen
- Eisenhower's Varsity Thinkers competed on CBS Channel 2's "Scholar Quiz"
against students from Bolsa Grande High School of Garden Grove. Ike defeated
Bolsa Grande 193 to 86. The Thinkers practiced on panel, built with parts donated by Pacific Telephone, and patterned after the television show. The units were designed and built by students Virgil Forker and Mike Chauvet.

- Nine copies of the Eagle's Eye Volume 6 were placed in the Library of
Congress in Washington D.C.
- Gym has first Eisenhower logo painted on it
1965-1966 School Year
- Band (notice they are standing where the B wing is now located)

- League Champs for Varsity Football, JV Basketball, Varsity and JV Wrestling
- The Eagle's Eye newspaper reported the difficulties in obtaining funding for a swimming pool. Rialto voters defeated a bond measure.
- Baron Von Brenner, hypnotist, was the guest speaker of the Science Club
- KEHS was the call letters of a simulated radio and television station used by the Speech II class. Because radio and television play such a valuable part in everyone's lives, the class offered valuable training.
- Rialto Unified School District began
- Susie Walters, Football Homecoming Queen.
- JV Basketball won the Ivy League Championship
- Claudia Felicetta, Basketball Homecoming Queen
- Senior class officers

- Faculty and students played their annual donkey basketball game on real
donkeys. (The donkeys, which were rented from the Reynolds Company of Colton,
are specially trained to play in basketball games. To protect the gym floor,
the donkeys wear padded red boots.)

1966-1967 School Year
- Members of the Sobobans Club (One of the original clubs that is still active today)

- Sign in front of Eisenhower High School on Lilac Ave

- Football lost only 1 game in the regular season and made it to the first
round of CIF playoffs
- First year that Eisenhower was solely a Senior High School
- The student newspaper received a letter from the House of Representatives in Washington D.C. Congressman Ken W. Dyal, 33rd District of California proposed an amendment to the Constitution of the United States granting to citizens who have attained the age of eighteen the right to vote.
- The Work Experience program was proposed for the following school year. The opportunity would be for juniors and seniors regardless of their academic potential provided they met the criteria. Students would attend school part-time and work for the remainder of the day.
- The Flags participated in the Southern California Flag Competition. They scored 89.5%, the highest in all divisions. The received a trophy and six first place ribbons. Last year they placed 16th.
- The senior class of '66 financed a crest for the student body and faculty to enjoy. After it was approved, it was placed in the admin building in front of the switchboard. Tradition said that the new sophomore class from now on would be in charge of keeping the area clean.

- Varsity and JV Wrestling are league champs for third year in a row
- Susie Wiyninger, Football Homecoming Queen. A member of her court is announced at halftime of the homecoming game.

- Tennis, Ivy League Champ
- Track and Field was undefeated un the Ivy League and advanced to CIF semi-finals
- Nance Swan, Basketball Homecoming Queen
- Different views of the Eisenhower campus

1967-1968 School Year

- Bill McKinney, class of '67 played football for the Navy. Steve Preston,
class of '67, played football for UCLA.
- Michael Walek, class of '68, was the first Ken Hubbs winner at Ike. He
was quarterback on the football team. He earned a white letter after having
participated in football and baseball.
- Athletic teams now in Citrus Belt League-CBL. This was the highest classification
for schools with populations of over 2000.
- Golf won their first CBL Championship
- The Eagle's Eye published an article presenting arguments for and against students being allowed to have beards or mustaches (facial hair wasn't allowed)
- Another complaint aired in the newspaper - why did boys have to wear socks with their sandals and not girls
- Computers were used to help students with college selection. Students filled
out a questionnaire and the information was computer matched with 3000 colleges.
The students and his advisor then received a list of the most ideal schools
for his needs.
- The drill team and marching band won first place in competition with other
AAAA schools in the area
- Introduction of the Victory Bell, rung after each victory,
later banned by the CIF.
- The senior lawn was established as well as the senior line for lunch. This
line enabled seniors to get better and faster service.In planning for the Senior Lawn, they proposed to place it in front of the gym and planned to purchase benches.
- Some students participated in a sit-in to protest the dress code
- Eisenhower High School, Frisbie Junior and Rialto Junior High contributed $1000 to the Peace Corps last year for the building of a school in South America. The school was built in Piscaya, Peru. The profits from last year's Winterful Folk Festival was the source of Eisenhower's contribution.
- Gayle Hall, Football Homecoming Queen
- Michi Smith, Basketball Homecoming Queen
- Project Eagle-idea of Mr. Ramsauer, Mr. Milbach, & Mr. Lucy.
Worked from sketches, made mold of clay, then plaster cast, and finally fiberglass.
Eagle was sprayed with bronze paint and a clear plastic spray for protection
- An amendment was being reviewed by the district which would allow the wearing
of Bermuda shorts from the end of Easter vacation to October 31
- The marquee advertises graduation for the class of 1968

1968-1969 School Year
- Basketball game in the EHS gym. Notice the windows at the top of the bleachers.

- Do you remember the day it snowed? How about the time it rained so much the Quad flooded badly?

- Since 1959, Eisenhower's student body has quadrupled from six hundred to two thousand, three hundred and thirty
- A chain link fence was erected on the Eisenhower campus
- The L.A. Dodgers and the L.A. Times rewarded "A" students. Names were published in the paper and students received two reserved-seat tickets.
- Eisenhower's new $306,664 science complex (K-wing) opened. The new complex
houses the physics, biology and chemistry classes. There are 10 rooms, five
of which are carpeted. Room dividers can split large lecture halls into smaller
classrooms and there is a prep room where advanced students may prepare and
keep special projects for an indefinite period of time.
Before |
After |
- Debate over whether to add a pool to Eisenhower or whether to wait to add
one to the second high school being planned to be built in three years in
the southern part of the city. If the pool were built, one of the proposals called for locating it in front of the gym.
- The Eagle's Eye recalled the debate that was held in 1959 over the naming
of the school. It was recalled that many people were unhappy over not naming
the school after someone in the community. However, it was also suggested
that since the new school would still be part of the San Bernardino school
district, that naming it Rialto High School would not be a good idea because
San Bernardino voters wouldn't be as likely to vote for school bonds in another
- Eisenhower's Inter-Club Council staged its first homecoming parade in its
history on November 8th. The parade began at the corner of Riverside and Etiwanda
and proceeded south to the police station. The idea was first thought
of as publicity to bring people to the Football Homecoming game to be held
that same night.

- Barbara Waleszonia Football Homecoming Queen
- Seniors could pick their own English classes for the first
- Martin Cooke, David Yates, Vic Keyer, and Johnnie Walker advanced to the
CIF State Wrestling Finals
- The House of Representatives sponsored a book drive, which collected over
10,000 books. These books were sent to Norton Air Force Base where they were
made available to men leaving for Viet Nam.
- Diane Honeycutt, Basketball Homecoming Queen
- Eve Evans, State Champion the girl's oratory division
- Student Body Joins Nation in Mourning Loss of General Dwight
David Eisenhower
- Dwight David Eisenhower was born on October 14, 1890 in Denison,
Texas. During his 78 years, he accomplished many amazing feats. The
most famous was his election as the thirty-fourth President of the United
States. Eisenhower gained earlier fame as a general in the United States
Army. He eventually achieved the rank of a Five Star General for his
commendable work as the commander of American forces in Europe during
World War II and other military service. After his retirement from the
presidency, Eisenhower often vacationed in Palm Springs. Loyal Eisenhower
High students were always on hand to welcome him upon his arrivals. Then
in 1963, General Eisenhower accepted an invitation to visit the campus
that bore his name. The school was named for President Eisenhower as
far back as 1959, but the busy president could not find the time to take
a special trip to visit the school. On March 22, 1963, General Eisenhower
found the time to see the campus he had waited so long to view.
Upon his arrival, Eisenhower was greeted by Principal Edward Ryan and
ASB President Randy Wheaton. After formal greetings by school officials,
General Eisenhower addressed an assembly of over 2,000 students and interested
spectators, who greeted the former president with a standing ovation.
Eisenhower then attended some of the various classes on campus with the
comment, "I'm
going to visit a few of your classes, but I'm going to keep still. I want
to learn something from you." Eisenhower was made an honorary life
member of the student body and invited to return. He never did. He will
be greatly missed by us all. (Aquila 1969)
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